This Is My Pen: For The Black Star
By HLvoice Formulae
28th February, 2022
The pen is mightier than the sword
The pen is mightier than the sword
The pen is mightier than the sword --
Perhaps, this is a conscious weave-on of words to make us believe there is no glory in fighting (no pun intended) against what and who haunts our lives and the lives of the people we love.
What does the hunter or the warrior need the pen for? The pen kills no game and the enemy within does not flee just because we penned down our struggles with discernment, embossed them on glistening armour and passed it on as souvenir to the enemy. You do not touch a bull by its balls unless you are ready to take charge of its horns. This is evident in the struggles for our independence as a people and we hail our founding members for their bravery. 6th March 1957, a declaration was made amidst jubilations; that, the enemy is "dead" and we are to be led by our very own people as they pledged allegiance to guard and protect the State. We vouched to move forward and backward never! Ever since, we have been stagnant in a partisan pool of mediocrity. While we knew aliens were in charge of our affairs, we stayed woke but presently, there is a greater struggle than ever -- we have been re-enslaved by our own people and there is the need to again, FIGHT for our INDEPENDENCE NOW!
"I don't support a coup d'etat, but I support uprising. Where we have gotten to, we require an uprising" the Captain, who has been awoken since long enough said with alacrity.
We do not want war so perhaps the Captain should have been smart to pick up the pen and drop the bomb. That way he wouldn't have been behind bars but wait, shouldn't there be a voice behind what the pen says?
Oh yes! the CONSTITUTION! It is against
anything that constitutes "an attempt by overt acts to overthrow, kill or injure the sovereignty or government of the state to which the offender owes allegiance to" Yes, yes, it calls it treason that is the reason more are afraid or unwilling to speak what are on their minds. Perhaps I would be jailed too. (lol)
But really, who does the constitution protect; those in power or those with the power? The State itself or those in the State?
The sacred declarations do not clearly declare and I am wondering if you have really taken the time to reflect what would be left of us if we continue living and reasoning like this -- seeing nothing beyond political paraphernalia and gimmicks. Beyond these are the Red, Gold, Green and the Black Star -- the people!
When we mistakenly or willingly put narcissists and criminals in power, have we not committed something more gravely than treason?
When these Honourables dishonour on the floor, the honour bestowed unto them by the people and for the people, does the constitution "nullify" them even though we continue to glorify them?
When the government of the state robs the State of its resources, has it not "injured" the state, --- is that not an enough reason to charge them for treason?
And does the constitution also agree that the "worst form of democracy is better than a revolutionary change"?
Honestly, I don't really understand what it means to be peacefully hungry and angry altogether.
I guess as long as we are eating the "momoni" with fork and knife it is fine -- no one can accuse us of smelly fingers even if our breath stinks.
I am a being and despite my internal and external struggles, I always stand for peace and harmony. I understand the prospects and thus strive for peaceful coexistence. But if we can find sanity in insanity, trust in mistrust and harmony in disharmony, maybe we can find peace in war if we look hard enough -- whatever the cost, GHANA MUST MOVE FORWARD NOW!
I am HLvoiceFormulae, and this is my pen.
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My all best writer! This hit hard! โ๐พ