All writers are required to register and login on our write earners page to start blogging. All posts are reviewed by our administrators before it is approved to our blog page. We endorse all contents but all bloggers are responsible for contents they post therefor contents aiming to defame of course damage to others will be remove as a precautionary measure. Blogging on contents such as nudes or false news shall incurred band on that particular author. To avoid copyright complaints articles copied from site should reference the particular website and there will be no earning on such article.
Contents copied from other website need to satisfy at least 60% when checked for plagiarism by our administrators. A copyright complain received by us on any post will lead to total delete of the said post and views will be deducted from the writers views.
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Authors/Writers are paid GHC 0.1 per view/like(views will show as soon as the viewer likes the post) on a particular post and Authors/Writers can only withdraw if amount reached a threshold of GHC 100. Likes and comments on articles will reduce charges on articles and helps to keep your article on top. Transfer and registration charges will be deducted on threshold opon withdrawal. Withdrawal request may take 2-48 hours. Views will be credited to all posts/articles that is less than 30days old. Hence users can earn up to any amount on their articles for 30days. This is to ensure that authors frequently write new articles
New authors now have to authorize their account before their account will be activated to blog. Authors who refer other users will be credited only if the person they refer authorizes his/her account. Fee for autorization is 25ghc which is a one time payment.